Monday, 6 February 2012

Check out my box

The brief for this project was to make two identical 8x5x1 inch boxes, one of which will be kept and displayed in Edinburgh and the other will be sent to Boston USA. I was a bit stumped and unenthusiastic to begin with, never before having the urge to construct a box but once I got started it turned out to be fun.  Here's the result.........

8x5x1 inch, emulsion and pen

emulsion, pen and real soldiers

Owl has friends

     Well I had good intentions of keeping up with my blog a lot more after my last postathon but that never happened, lots of time making the work not so much documenting it but hey.
    I just wasn't sure that the owl painting was finished so I added some extra panels to extend it, here's the finished result...

and here's a few detail shots.....

perhaps one of the fiddliest bits of painting I have ever done

 And in case you were wondering....yes the honeycomb took a long long time and yes it was very tedious in parts.
