Thursday 24 February 2011


Here's what happens when forced to watch Americas next top model by your girlfriend and accomplice, brain switches off desperately trying to ignore the human car crash happening before me, taking solace in scribbling, the result


Wednesday 23 February 2011

one sheet zine

Heres a little zine/comic promotional thingy I made yesterday. Really didnt take long and I quite like the format, one sheet of paper printed front and back, a few folds and bobs your uncle your own little zine. Simple things make me happy.

Sunday 20 February 2011

bit by bit

Had a good day in the studio today, Sundays are great because there is nobody else there so no distractions and I can play my music LOUD, love it. Painted some talkative teeth and a snazzy pair of brogues, and bit by bit the piece is taking shape.

Thursday 17 February 2011


Still working away on a big painting, its getting there and I intend to finish it in the next few days. Here's a section  I painted yesterday, turns out painting toys is a lot of fun.

Monday 14 February 2011

Blue Mondays

I must have angered the Gods of lost art with my previous post as I had my bag taken on Friday, inside were all my sketchbooks from this term. So i'm pretty devastated.

On a lighter note I had my second year painting exhibition which went well, it was cool to see my work up in such a grand space.

Tuesday 8 February 2011


This post is a memorial to lost art. I'm not a particularly well organised person at the best of times so losing stuff is nothing new, but losing paintings is a real pain in the arse. Below is an example of  a painting I still hope to find, mainly because I cant see myself ever doing anything like this again.

Saturday 5 February 2011

Mr Gustav Brownlee...

Here are some great photos my girlfriend Andrea Beveridge took of our french bulldog Gus in his stealthy fox disguise.

Getting abstracted

Abstract painting is not normally my thing, and dont worry im not going to get all art wanky on you. But I decided to take a break from the big painting i'm working on to collaborate with my friend , abstract painter Cate Smith. It was fun and I kind of like the chaotic results. An interesting experiment, plus its always fun flicking paint around and making a mess. Some people talk such shite about abstract paintings like how they hear it etc, blah blah . Well this painting isn't abstract it has genuine teddy skulls in it.