Tuesday 18 June 2013

Upcoming exhibition

I have been asked to exhibit as part of the "Best of the degree show" at the Six Foot Gallery in Glasgow. So make a note in your diaries and hopefully I will see you there. The show opens on the 1st of July. I will post more info nearer the time.

Wednesday 12 June 2013

No Art, but Bulldogs

So the degree show is over, it went really well and I'm already looking forward to the next exhibition (which I will post up here soon).This week though I am enjoying having a few days off before I get back into the studio. Its great to be able to chill and spend time with friends and family again, and walk the dogs something I have missed. Here's a pic of my dog Gus and his pal Maude monster enjoying the rare Scottish sun

More Arty stuff in the next few days...........

Friday 7 June 2013

My degree show work

So here's the fruits of my labours in all it's glory.........

Looking along my wall...

Left to right of the installation....

 One of the highlights of my degree show thus far is that I was asked to exhibit in the New Contemporaries Exhibition at the Royal Scottish Academy in the spring. My second showing in a national gallery, who'd of thought...

Tuesday 4 June 2013

The book of collage

I'm slow getting this posted but I am still really chuffed with this book as I have been planning on doing it for a long time.


Monday 3 June 2013


Got a picture in the gallery magazine :)



The weekend before last myself and some of the Too Much Fun Club brethren went to an amazing festival in the Scottish wilderness. Good times were had by all and we managed to finish our mural in an afternoon which was great as it left us plenty of time to party. Here's the board we done did.....

Any press is good press right?

Here's the Heralds review of the degree show within which I get a mention which is great....not exactly how I would describe myself but hey.....look ma I'm in the news


Saturday 1 June 2013

Degree show opens today

That's right peoples the Edinburgh College of Art degree show opens its doors to the public today, so if you can please come along and have a look and a chat.

I made a book

So here is one of the books I made a while back documenting all of this years work, enjoy......