Monday 29 April 2013

I'm currently trying to edit 40 photographs down to 4 which is tricky, here's a few that didn't make the cut..........

and as happy as the egg hunting injun makes me he ain't gonna cut it either...

Degree show looms ever closer

Well it's all happening, the end is nigh. I have moved out of my studio and am now preparing my space for my degree show, I've made over forty paintings this year so editing and curating is going to be a bit testing but it should all be has to be (gulp). So all you people out there make a note in your diary, 1st of June Edinburgh College of Art, Lauriston place, Edinburgh. If you can make it you definitely should come along.
In the meantime I still have a backlog of work to post here's one of my favourite pieces that started life as a scrap bit of board I took a fancy to, it's titled Freudian Weiner


Monday 22 April 2013

Icke's busker

This is one of the bigger pieces I have done this year and was a lot of fun incorporating screen-printing with paint.

Sunday 21 April 2013



A couple of months ago I thought I would try screen printing my collages on top of paint, turns out this is tricky. Some images don't print well, getting the bit-map right is a pain in the arse, I'm crap at screen printing blah blah blah, but anyway I ended up with some odd images. Here are some of the testers before I committed to printing onto my painting.........

p.s all those missed registrations in the prints were totally on purpose...honestly

Monday 15 April 2013

Pot roast luck

Oldies but goodies

Wooohooo I have just finished making my books, one cataloguing all this years work and the other is all of my collage compiled into one book. I am pretty stoked on this as I have been meaning to do it for a long time. I will post up the link in the very near future, but trust me tis awesome.  In the meantime here's a couple of pieces that I finished before Christmas but never posted. They are a combination of paint and screen-print on birch......

 and just for kicks here is a long thin, fun piece that I painted on an off cut when I should have been doing something else. Be careful what you are eating out there kids....

Sunday 14 April 2013

Friday 12 April 2013

RSA piece

I had totally forgotten that I hadn't posted this yet, so here is the piece I exhibited in the RSA open exhibition at Christmas.............

Sunday 7 April 2013

Red as a red thing

Here's a painting I finished after the" I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice-cream" piece, its 61 x 45 cm spray paint and acrylic on board.

 And a couple of cheeky circles to boot........

"Can I offer you a hand"

"Eye on the prize pies"

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Snake Bite

So the snake-bite that I designed the label for has sold out already, but it looks like it was so popular it is getting bottled and will soon be for sale in shops nation wide. So keep an eye out, not only is it delicious it comes with a killer label ;)