Sunday 21 October 2012

paint and pen

I have been making a lot of these drawing/paintings recently, they are a lot of fun and I can make them quickly which is always satisfying. Some are ideas for paintings and others just are what they are. Here's a few from last week....

cut n paste 3

Here are the last few collages from the other week                                                                              

 This next one is my favourite thus far for no particular reason other than I just like it.....

Wednesday 10 October 2012

cut n paste

I have been on a collage making mission recently and loving it. I am hoping to make around a hundred for a book I plan to make towards the end of the year. Here's a few examples....

Thursday 4 October 2012


I finished this wee birdy last week, it was fun to play around with paint again, its been a while.

doodling doodles

Here's another few quick doodles.